Event location and address

in Features


Set a location for your events:



Address type can be both an address or a latitude/longitude address. Make sure these are valid locations and accepted by google maps.

The alternative location address is used as a human readable location. It can be displayed in both event box and event cards.


How to show address in Event Box?

In Settings > Event Box tab Location  set Include address as text above map to show the address in text above the map.


How to style location in Event Box and Event Card ?

Go to Settings > EventBox or EventCard > Location settings section:

location style


Configuring google maps

maps settings


Starting late 2016, an API key became required to use the google maps library.  Get your key from here.

When google maps are disabled, they are removed from all eventboxes and eventcards. Settings are preserved!

If you see an error in the web console that google maps library was already loaded, then toggle this off.



Deactivate or cancel an event

in Features

Introduced in v 3.80

Event Operations (Event edit page)




Cancelling an event:

Booking button will be removed and a “cancelled msg” will appear instead.

If enabled, people that previously booked are emailed. (requires emails addon)



cancel txt cancelled


Deactivate booking

When you deactivate an event, booking is removed and a message is shown instead.

Event history tracker

in Features


This features tracks operations done on an event. Operations include (creation, editing, canceling and deactivating).





To see this pop up, press on Show logs in Event operations  section:







Added in v3.80

Any operation prior to v3.80 was not tracked.

A Complete Event Booking System for WordPress