v 3.99 (7 May 2019)
This is a maintenance release that introduces few features and bug fixes. A big new release will be released soon with long waited features.

	• Filter calendar by event and category 
	• New limit (number of events allowed per email)
	• New currencies 
  Improved :
	• Description editor
	• Mobile responsiveness
	• Edge browser 
	• Better export for extra fields
	• format payment date
	• Support for newer php versions

	• Giftcard bug
	• Calendar bug in spread mode
	• Null settings for phone input
	• Zero payment redirection
	• Fixed bug in email for paymentAmount
        • Fix default timezone problem

v 3.951 Minor update (26 August 2017)

  Fix problem with timezone causing event errors
  Fix event list bug
  ADDED new email keyword (%tax_amount%)
  ADDED event card effect settings (color, alpha)

v 3.95 (August 2017)

  Addon: Event Slider

  NEW WPML support (Multi language)
    Moved all translatable texts to Settings > TEXT tab

  NEW Phone input field with autocomplete, validation and flags
  NEW Added Export to ICS calendar
  NEW Added export to googleCal and ICS calendar buttons to eventCard
  NEW Timezone settings (fixes google Calendar)
  NEW Added booking form error indication 
     Now you will see a genral error message above the booking button
  NEW Added refund email subject

  ENHANCEMENT Changed csv encoding to work with all versions of excel
  ENHANCEMENT Preloader color chnaged to read from booking form main color 
  ENHANCEMENT Fix mobile popup UI issue
  ENHANCEMENT Add html ids as  to eventCard and eventBox
  ENHANCEMENT Renamed class to avoid conflicts

  FIXED scroller issue
  FIXED bug with "more dates" when booking is not open yet
  FIXED currency in paypal	
  FIXED filter bug with large number of categories

v 3.913 (July 2017)

	FIXED bookerName and bookerEmail bug

v 3.9 (May, 2017)

  ADDON: Gift card addon! (Update paypal folder)

  NEW Multiple currencies (add a specific currency to an event)
  NEW Introduce generated.css (beta, turn on in Settins> css tab). This speeds up loading of css file
  NEW Settings > CSS > custom css (a way to add custom css to the plugin)
  NEW support inline credit card payments > Used in gateway addons (releasing new ones)

  ENHANCEMENT backend sticky save/delete button  
  ENHANCEMENT Main plugin deactivates addons on delete. (Prevents site crashing)
  ENHANCEMENT remove capitalization in eventCard

  FIXED bug: mobile date preselect.
  FIXED paypal email spaces.
  FIXED bug with spots left from mobile. (shows up always)

v 3.815 (March, 2017)

  Added new keywords:
    %payer_name% working again
    %inputName% dynamic fields re-introduced

  Fixed scroll bar fading out in form
  Fixed Booking form Mode 1 problem
  Fixed booking button style
  Renamed method to avoid conflicts with other plugins
  Fixed tax bug in a specific case
  Fixed calendar background setting

  Removed setting that was messing some tables on new installations

v 3.81 (Feb, 2017)

Small maintenance release after v 3.80
  New scroller to support a wider range of browsers
  New csv export mechanism
    New bookings will be properly exported, each field in a column
    Old bookings extra fields will be grouped at the end
  Added popup inner box radius
  Fixed bug with pop up inner box color
  Remove popup loader  delay of 0.5 sec
  Fixed events list color not applying

v 3.80 ( Feb, 2017)


    New Sub tickets. Now you can book multiple tickets in one go!
    New calendar mode: Events now spread over days.
    Added new toggle: disable mobile booking page
    New fields duplication mechanism (choose the location to duplicate fields)
    New form field grouping rule

    Cancel event button (sends an email to bookers, [can be deactivated])
    Deactivate event -> disables booking
    Track event edit history -> track who edited the event and what the action was
    New user-friendly address text to be used for display only
    Show address in event box
    Added missing coupon translation

    New coupon effect -> old price stripped and new price beside


    SPEED, everything should be faster. Huge improvement for calendar!

    Improved calendars in general and shortcode params changed (still compatible)

    Popup forms were redone for speed.
      Now loads content asynchronously (faster initial loading) vs preloading

    Event lists now load much faster

    New scroller library -> improved scrolling experience on mobile and desktop

    Improved mobile experience

    Improved extra details in Bookings tab, Analytics and Checkin page

    Improved add/delete tickets and occurrences

    Removed duplicated calendar settings (recommended to review your settings)

    CSS generation - removed inline styles (except eventBox) and loaded once

    Huge work done to prepare for new features!

    New documentation pages, more to come.
      Features page
      FAQ page

  New Addons:

    Weekly calendar addon
    Gift card addon

  Addons requiring update:

    Forms Manager addon
    Analytics & Checkin addon
    ByDay addon

Big thanks for customers who took part in the beta and reported bugs.


v 3.73 (Sept 2016)


v 3.71 (August, 2016)

  Calendar mode (lazy_load) increases speed and performance exponentially
    use: [ eventCalendar lazy_load=“on” ]

  Calendar tooltips and improved formatting for showEventsDirectly
  New Calendar option (show_spots_left="on"). Display "spots left" directly inside tooltip or on calendar directly.
  EMAIL RULES [Emails Addon]
    Ability to create unlimited email rules (pre/post emails based on conditions)

  Ability to search by date and date ranges (example: date < 2016-07-02 & date >= 2016-06-30)
  Translation settings for coupon related words
  Moved calendar's days/month translation to settings page

  Email is sent when booking is canceled or deleted (toggle-able) [Emails Add-on]
  byDay shortcode now supports eventCards
    Improved forms look and feel
    Choose to display label for select field
    Choose to set custom first option for select field (or label as first option)
    Turn off google maps completely.
    Prevent google maps library from loading
    Google Maps API key

  Calendar Styling (When day is opened)
  Paypal button in booking form now stays when total amount = 0 and it will book event directly without going to paypal. (Used to be deactivated)

  Event occurrence (booking: open, will open, ended) logic
  Better logic in displaying book button/ booking ended/ event passed
  Email error handling
  General Improvements (speed and performance)	
  Technical: refactored a lot of the code to make it easier to add new features

  Event duplicate bug 
  compatibility with email addon
  Bug blocking main plugin's admin page from loading. Now async.

  Email Templates Addon

v 3.615 (June 9, 2016)

  FIXED: Quantity button bug

v 3.6 (June 7, 2016)

  NEW: Compatible with forms manager new features
      Forms manager new features:
        ADDED: Ability to reorder name and email fields
        ADDED: Half fields
        ADDED: Duplicate fields on quantity
        ENHANCED: Styles of checkboxes 
        BUG: Escaped Characters are properly unescaped in admin area
  ADDED: Ability to add Tax
  ADDED: UTF-8 as a settings
  ADDED: Date to paypal form (visible in paypal website)
  ADDED: “show_occurences_as_seperate" attribute to eventsList to allow to display duplicate events in eventsList
  UPDATED: New version of text editor
  FIXED: paypal logo bug
  ENHANCED occurrence creation, now you can set booking open/close date and times
  FIXED: Bug in more date book btn (caused by version 3.5, in some cases)
  ENHANCED More dates is now more compatible with mobiles.
  Bug: Free booking + feeble field
  Bug: eventlist limit attribute
  FIXED Calendar bug: Add to gCal now works
  FIXED Bug in passed events (booking button visible)
  FIXED bug in end date (confirmation email)
  ENHANCED: Booking open logic (centerliazed it) 
  ENHANCED: Calendar now pre-loads even first month. (Faster page loading)
  General improvements in performance + 1st step for multi-booking

v 3.51 (March 30, 2016)

  FIXED Calendar bug: Add to gCal now works
  FIXED Bug in passed events (booking button visible)
  FIXED bug in end date (confirmation email)

v 3.5 (March 2016)

  New Add-on: Email Templates & Alternative email

  Enhancements to Emails:
    Option to not send emails (admin and/or confirmation)
    Formatted cost to match site’s format
    Keywords in Email subjects
    Speed (it was very fast and now faster)

  Additions to Event Cards
    ADDED ability to add background to cards
    ADDED Show thumbnail even if card is expandable (Toggle-able)
    ADDED control of width of thumbnail (Expandable and Non-expandable separate settings)

  Additions to Calendar:
    ADDED new calendar style (titles directly shown)
    ADDED background image for day cell
    ADDED box-shadow toggle for calendar and event
    ENHANCED calendar with optimized queries for speed

  Changes to Event List:
    Filters: changed the behavior
    ENHANCED: Optimized Queries for speed

    Fixed: When event is deleted -> all occurrences/tickets/bookins/categories/coupons are removed from database.
    FIXED all bugs reported.
    FIXED refund from paypal
    FIXED bug in spots left when it is hidden
    FIXED bug in WP-MAILER in some cases
    FIXED Bug with Forms Manager
    FIXED passed date not working

  Paypal folder now has an updated Certificate. Please update it if you have problems.

    Support was slow, we worked on improving it. The process changed in Feb and you started to see improvements. Now we are looking for one extra person to help with support to decrease wait more.

    We re factored a portion of the plugin to be able to add all the new features requested.
    We will release new version every other month with new features. We got a lot aligned!

v 3.4615 (19 July, 2015)

  FIXED: IE bug
  FIXED: Decimal bug

v 3.461 (July, 2015)

  ADDED: Display all tickets in eventBox: how

  ADDED: Category filtering in eventsList (frontend): how

  ADDED: “No Events” text when List is empty

  ADDED: Ability to edit “Passed” and “Upcoming” texts in more dates popup

  ADDED: keywords to email subject

  ADDED: resend email: in bookings tab, beside delete button

  ADDED: Add chargeable options to forms, require Forms Addon and Extras

  ADDED: new date formats

  ADDED: manual booking verification

  ENHANCED: Calendar loading time

  ENHANCED: In admin, occurrences now load ordered by date and not by creation id.

  FIXED: Mobile booking page spots bug

v 3.451(March 4, 2015)

  FIXED: unnecessary code added was removed that caused extra field in booking form
  (update only if you installed v3.45)

v 3.45 (March 4, 2015)

  ENHANCED: EventCardExpanded now loads faster
  FIXED: “limit” bug
  FIXED: Google maps on event card bug when using a lot of cards
  ADDED: Static text for Forms addon
  Small improvements here and there.
  WARNING: Combined description margin & padding settings. Now they are called spacing.

v 3.44(Feb 8, 2015)

  FIXED: Upload button not working
  ADDED: Automatic recovery for those that deleted mobile booking page

v 3.431(Jan 23, 2015)

  BUG FIX: PayPal Redirect problem on mobile

v 3.43(Dec 8, 2014)

  ADDED: New email mode (uses WP Mailer)
  ADDED: Control when booking opens and closes
  ADDED: Limit Number of tickers per user (ex: user can only book 3 tickets)
  ADDED: Limit number of bookings per user
  ADDED: Hide price when it is 0.
  ENHANCED: Dates now inherit from wp language (some had problems with this)
  ENHANCED: Code refactoring
  ENHANCED: Speed enhancements
  RELEASED: 2 new addons
    Users add-on: Who booked shortcode, limit booking for logged in only , page to show users bookings
    Barcode Addon.

v 3.42(Nov 3, 2014)

  RELEASED: ADDON Analytics & Checkin System.
  ADDED: QR CODE (requires add-on)
  ADDED: Terms & Conditions Field type (forms manager add-on)
  ADDED: Split Name into 2 fields. (forms manager add-on)
  ADDED: SSL3 back compatibility
  ENHANCED: Restyled the Batch generation and Edit booking popup
  ENHANCED: Email Templates Style
  ENHANCED: Forms Required Fields Style
  FIXED: Required fields on Mobile forms manager add-on)

v 3.411(Oct 6, 2014)

  FIXED: Bug in more dates popup

v 3.41(Oct 6, 2014)

  ADDED: In “more dates” popup the book btw is removed when fully booked. 
  FIXED: Bug in price format (zero decimals)

v 3.4(Sept 30, 2014)

  ADDED: New filter types for "eventsList" shortcode: list by month(s), list events in next x days.
  ADDED: COUPON TYPE (effects on tickets/ effects on total price)
  ADDED: COUPON LIMIT (limit the number of usages of a coupon.)
  ADDED: Events sort by time in addition to by date.
  ADDED: Checking of remaining spots before booking is added.
  ENHANCED: Upgraded to a new Image Uploading system.
  ADDED: Location Icon in Event Cards
  ADDED: Events now have specific classes to identify which categories they belong (ebpCat_[ID], ex: "ebpCat_1")
  ENHANCED: Toggle button style
  ENHANCED: EXPORT CSV is now better, new addon on the way.
  ENHANCED: Image is now more responsive than before.
  ENHANCED: Overall performance of JS.
  FIXED: Price format is preserved when changing quantity.
  FIXED: "Expand" button in desc width.
  FIXED: Image Cropping
  FIXED: Bug in spots left in rare cases
  ALL CODE was reformatted.

v 3.39 (August 24, 2014)

  Event Card wont jump initially on slow connections
  Event box wont jump initially on slow connections
  Event Card more responsive on mobile
  Event Card list shortcode bug fix
  Added Option to toggle if to count all bookings or only successful ones.
  Added Event Description and Event Address to email template.
  Add custom emails for paypal refund.

v 3.38 (July 16, 2014)

  Event Cards can now be Expanded

v 3.371 (July 15, 2014)

  European price format bug fix
  Mobile booking Page was affected by previous bug 

v3.37(July 13, 2014)

  New Shortcode: Event Card 
  New feature: List events as Event boxes or Event Cards
  More Date in calendar bug fix
  Calendar more responsive for iPhone
  Overall improvements 

v3.361 (July 3, 2014)

  Calendar Bug Fix

v3.36 (July 3, 2014)

  Bug Fix caused by v3.35 for some users.
  Eventslist limit bug fixed
  New Option: Price formatting, set decimals, decimal point and thousand separator.

v3.35 (July 4, 2014)

  New Time Picker
  Option to choose an action after booking is done: Open Success popup, Close booking popup, redirect to page, show message below button.
  Events will expire relative to day and time rather than just day.

v3.34 (June 28, 2014)

  Mobile page paypal button bug
  Removed duplicate settings
  Fixed bug in manual booking addition
  Improved double bookings
  large amount booking - paypal bug fix
  improvements to event box for small screens
  Calendar tooltip is now animated
  Added description on how to toggle off the calendar tooltip.

v3.33 (June 19, 2014)

  Plugin Update Notifier.
  New Option:Ability to order Tickets in booking page. (5 ordering available: Default, Name (asc-desc), price (asc-desc))
  New Option: Always show "More Date" button.
  When price is zero (due to use of coupon), on-site booking is done rather than paypal!
  New feature: Add to Google Calendar Button (you can disable from settings)
  Added Direct Book button in "More Date" Pop Up
  Email improvements:
    New Feature: Ability to edit the email you receive when a booking occurs. Not the one the buyer receives. (So now both are editable via the email builder)
    (7) New keywords added to Email Template builder: formatted booking id, payer email, ticket id, transaction number...
    Extra fields (Forms Manager Addon) now can be added to the email template using %inputName% example: %hobbies%
  Improvements to booking page:
    Advanced Search 
    Add Booking from back-end directly
    Visual improvements

  Eventslist description fixed
  Shortcode page visuals improvement.
  Re-added id number beside the name of the event in admin panel

v3.311 (June 2, 2014)

  New email mode for those hosts that dont support SMTP
  In Settings page, payment tab opened the booking settings and vise versa. This was flipped.

v3.3 (May 27, 2014)

  New Page: Addons page
  New addon relreased.
  Enhncement to popup opening and closing 
  Option to disable toolTip in calendar
  Impovements to the frontened code. Much clearner and more efficient
  Backend code enhancements
  Shortcode page redone

  Bug fix: Some themes conflict with plugin. This is solved.
  Bug fix: Mobile page shows wrong spots left (if only 1 occurrence)
  Bug fix: Batch generation fix.
  Bug fix: Fix Dropdown box being cut off for large lists of dates.

v3.2 (April 13, 2014): Upload the new plugin + upload the new paypal folder!

  Site loading enhancements.
  Style improvements!

  Mobile:  Now booking page is a separate page on mobile!

  Calendar now loads only the events of the current month. The rest are loaded when the user switches month. Cache is applied also.
  You can deactivate this and load all events by using [ eventCalendar loadALL="true" ]
  Now supports specific categories.
  Calendar tooltip.
  Event wont expand if scroller not needed. (Better visually)

  Added TLS for email.
  Added a button that will test if your settings are correct!
  Add-on form bug fix. (Checkbox)
  Categories now show with their name and ID.
  Loader bug fixed
  Ability to include time in booking page.
  Backend improvements!

v3.11 (March 13, 2014)

  New features:
    Edit bookings
    Set page redirect after paypal (same page or custom Page) 
    Ability to deactive the "Read more" button and show all the description initially.
    Added 5 more calendar customization options:
      Today Background color
      Event Day Box Background Color
      Event Day Box Hover Background Color
      Event Day Dot Color
      Event Day Dot Hover Color

  Bug fix: Limited decimal points to only 2 bugs

v3.1 (4 March, 2014)

  New admin panel design.
  Added ability to add payment id to emails. 
  Fixes in email sent to you on bookings.

v3.02 (28 feb, 2014)

       Fix for Email not sent when using paypal payment
       Date generation bug fix 

V3.01 ( 25 Feb, 2014)

  Bug fix 

V3.0 ( 24 Feb, 2014)

  Even Categories 
  Email Templates (FULL CONTROL)
  FORM Manager ADD-On Capability
  Advanced Dates (Batch) Generation
  Duplicate events
  New feature: Maximum Bookings per event rather than per ticket 
  Introduction of a Visual  Editor for event Descriptions!
  Lots of new  options (example: Overlay Opacity, Overlay Color)
  Modal inputs now fully customization!
  Drop Box style customization
  Currency Options (position of the currency: before or after)
  Allow decimal prices
  Higher z-index (modal will always be on top of menus)
  Now the option to choose both types of bookings.
  Emails now work with ssl (fix for gmail emails)
  Separate Map height
  Calendar Height control
  More translation options (ex, Free, Coupon, Apply)
  Select is deactivated if only one date. (Same for ticket)
  Fixed loading text
  Coupon bug fixed
  Loader now will show if screen is short
  Enhancements of modal styling!
  Dates are verified to work! (I did structural edits on them)
  Improved CSV downloading
  Fixed Date format bug in (dates shows as D.M.Y instead of M.D.Y)

v2.7 (January, 2014)

  Added Google Maps
  Added delete booking feature
  Multiple events in one day now display in the calendar
  Booking page improvement: sortable/searchable records.
  Added scroll bar to popup
  Added closed button  to popup
  show/remove cost option added
  show/remove spots option added
  New options added allowing the plugin to be fully translated
  fix naming bug that prevented "&" letter in names
  Quantity booking bug fixed. No overbooking

v2.4 (November 11, 2013)

  1- BUG FIX: Offline booking Quantity was showing 1 and not the correct value.
  2- Some wordpress sites had a broken link.
    Updating instructions found in the zip file.

v2.2.1 October 21, 2013

Bug with paypal payment fixed (quantity)


  More Responsiveness!

v2.1 (October 6, 2013)

  Added Coupons and Multi Tickets Enable/Disable button
  New date and time picker
  Minor bug fix

V 2.0 (September 22, 2013)

    Coupon Integration
  Multiple Dates for same event
  Multiple Tickets
  Dramatic change in frontend, now all buttons will open a modal (pop-up) where users can customize their ticket
  Back-End enhancement
  Shortcode generation
  CSV Integration


  Email Support
    Added Email Special Message
    Added Email Template in Settings page

    Added Quantity Booking, now you can choose how many spots to book.

    Changed how the plugin handles bookings. Now all bookings will open the modal.
      If No-Paypal was selected a booking form will appear
      If Paypal was selcted a pay button will appear that will take to paypal

    Added the ability to customize the booking form
    Added 2 extra fields: Address and Phone


  Added 3 shortcodes
    Carousel Shortcode with filterable content (Passed/Upcoming/All)
    Event list Shortcode with filterable content (Passed/Upcoming/All)
    UL List Shortcode with filterable content (Passed/Upcoming/All)
  Made Sandbox easier to use
  Added Currency Support